Culture of Rajasthan Desert - India
Culture of Rajasthan Desert - India
Culture of Rajasthan Desert - India

This oil painting depicts Rajasthani culture, their music and dance styles. Rajasthan is famous for its music, dance, culture and desert in India and worldwide. This oil painting shows beauty of Rajasthan desert, lifestyle, culture, folk music, their local musical instruments, folk dancers, traditional costumes of musician and traditional lehanga of Rajasthani dancers. This painting is wonderful representation of colours and traditions and flavour of India.


Rajasthani culture, Music and dance, rajasthani dancer, musicians, musical instrument, Indian tradition, desert, Rajasthani painting, Rajasthani folk music, Rajasthani folk dancer, Rajasthani lifestyle

Culture of Rajasthan Desert - India (2021)

Oil Painting by Goutami Mishra

  • Original handmade Oil Painting on Canvas
  • Size 24 x 16 inches
  • 2 inches margin from all sides
  • Art Style: Photorealistic
  • Unframed, Signed on front

United States$40

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